Detailprogramm Skitour Laponia
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We will meet you in Ritsem, a small community by the end of a winding mountain road. We have lunch together and check our equipment before continuing across the lake Akkajaure by snowmobile (40 min). We’ll have dinner and stay overnight in cabins.
You can take the local bus from Gällivare to Ritsem! Ask for more information!
We start the day with a generous “mountain breakfast” and continue on skis across the mountain toward the mountain cabin. We cross the highest pass of the trip and we can see far into Padjelantas high plains. The day finishes with an exciting downhill of 250 meters of elevation loss before arriving the hut.
Distance on skis: 18 km, elevation gain/loss: +350/-250, estimated time out skiing: 8h
In Kutjaure we have a day to explore the northern parts of Padjelanta national park. The area is still an undiscovered place for most skiers and we often get the mountain for our self.
We slide down the mountain side to lake Kutjaure continuing across the lake that connects to all three national parks Sarek, Padjelanta and Stora sjöfallet. On the other side of lake Kutjaure we continue up the hill to the mountain cabin where we will stay the following two nights.
Distance on skis: 9 km, elevation gain/loss: +50/-50, estimated time out skiing: 3-4h
We explore Sarek national park on a day trip. Maybe we get the chance to see tracks from foxes and wolverines living in the area. If the weather and the condition of the group allow us to we can climb one of the easier peaks in the area.
KISURIS – AHKKA mehr ...
Surrounded by open white landscape with some scattered mountain birch trees we leave Sarek national park behind us. Our last full day in the mountain takes us through a sparse mountain birch forest contouring the majestic Ahkka Mountain. We finish the day with sauna in Ahkka cabin and a final dinner together.
Distance on skis: 16 km, elevation gain/loss: +0/-150 m, estimated time out skiing: 6h
After finishing the breakfast we get a snowmobile transport over the lake to Ritsem where you will have a chance to shower before starting your travel home. We recommend you to arrange your travel home from Ritsem bus stop. You can take the bus to Gällivare and change to the night train in Gällivare. Or if you want you can choose to stay some more days in “Wildnisdorf Solberget”. There you can make a trip with the reindeer sledge or with snowshoes. In the evening you have the sauna. Contact us for more information about that.